In the middle the actions or the events start move from one event to another. Internal conflict that happen inside the character itselves or external conflicts start to show. This statement strogly by Burhan Nurgiyantoro.
Tahap tengah cerita yang dapat juga disebut sebagai tahap pertikaian, menampilkan pertentangan dan atau konflik yang sudah mulai dimunculkan pada tahap sebelumnya, menjadi semakin meningkat, semakin menegangkan. Konflik yang dikisahkan, seperti yang telah dikemukakan diatas, dapat berupa konflik internal, konflik yang terjadi dalam diri seorang tokoh, konflik eksternal, konflik atau pertentangan yang terjadi antar tokoh cerita, antara tokoh (- tokoh) protagonist dengan tokoh ( - tokoh; dan kekuatan) antagonis, atau keduanya sekaligus. Dalam tahap tengah inilah klimaks ditampilkan, yaitu ketika konflik (utama) telah mencapai titik intensitas tertinggi.
Bagian tengah cerita merupakan bagian terpanjang dan terpenting dari karya fiksi yang bersangkutan. Pada bagian inilah inti cerita disajikan: tokoh-tokoh memainkan peran, peristiwa-peristiwa penting-fungsional dikisahkan, konflik berkebang semakin meruncing, menegangkan, dan mencapai klimaks, dan pada umumnya tema pokok, makna cerita pokok diungkapkan. Untuk mengidentifikasi apa konflik utama, mana peristiwa – fungsional – klimaks, dan apa tema dan atau makna utama cerita, diperlukan kajian yang jeli dan kritis. Singkatnya pada bagian inilah terutama pembaca memperoleh ‘’cerita’’, memperoleh sesuatu dari kegiatan membacanya (Nurgiyantoro, 1995:145).]
From the quotation above, then it could be concluded that the middle phase is the important one in a fiction works, in this phase the main story show up. Shortly in this phase the reader have ‘’the story’’ get something from reading activity.
Based on William Kinney (1966) in this phase consists conflict, complication and climax. Conflict, we move from the end of the beginning of the middle as the elements tending to wards instability in the initial situation group themselves into what we recognize as pattern of conflict.
Complication is the interplay between character and event that builds up a tension and develops a problem out of the original situation given in the story. In other word, it from the end of the beginning of the initial situation group themselves into what are recognize as a pattern of conflict (Kenney, 1966: 17). The movement from initial statement of conflict to the climax is often referred to as complication. Conflict may be external and internal; conflict may variously spiritual contest between antagonistic forces, internal conflict between aspects of personality, and external conflict between a person and external force, or another person, society, environment, nature, the universe, God etc.
Climax, is the moment of highest tension, when the story turns toward its solution. The climax is fetched when the complication attains its highest the story is intensity, from which point to the outcome of story is inevitable (Kenny, 1966: 18). Climax is generally present by the author in the end of the middle part of the story of a narrative work.
2.2.3 The end
End is the phase where the story is finish or stop. Where the conclusion of the story show up, low intensity point and the problem solve and the writer tells about what happen with the characters and also the effect from the climax. This statement strongly by Burhan Nurgiyantoro in his book entitles Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. He says:
Tahap akhir sebuah cerita, atau juga dapat disebut sebagai tahap pelaraian, menampilkan adegan tertentu sebagai akibat klimaks. Jadi, bagian ini misalnya (antara lain) berisi bagaimana kesudahan cerita, atau menyaran pada hal bagaimanakah akhir sebuah cerita (Nurgiyantoro, 1995: 145-146).
From the paragraph above, it could be conclude that the end phase is also called denouement, consist of the ending of the story.
William Kenney defines that plot reveals event to use not only in their temporal, but also in their causal relationship. Plot makes us aware of event not only merely as element in temporal series but also as intricate pattern of cause an effect. By plot in fiction, then we mean not simply in events recounted in the story but the author’s arrangement of those events according to their relationship from the end of the beginning to the middle as the element standing instability in the initial situation group themselves into what we recognize as a pattern of conflict. The movement from the initial statement of conflict to the climax is often referred to as complication. The climax is reached when the complication attains its highest point of intensity, from which point the outcome of the story is inevitable. The end consists of everything from the climax to the denouement or outcome of the story.
After discuss about plot structure, bellow it will be explained about the types of plot.
2.3 The types of plot
As a plot progresses, it arouses the expectation in the audience or reader about the future course of events or progressive and about the past event and experienced. There are two types of plot which is classified as following in subchapter.
2.3.1 Progressive plot
Plot in a novel could be called as a progressive if the story had told in chronological, The first action following by next action or in series the story start with beginning (introduction, generating circumstance), middle (rising action, climax), and the end (denouement). If we write in scheme form, in general the progressive will be liked:
A, symbolized the beginning of the story, B-C-D symbolized the next action or the middle which are the main of the story, and E is the end or the conclusion of the story because of the action which have told chronologically, it means based on the sequence of scheme that kinds of plot also called as progressive plot.
2.3.2 Flash back plot
The series which tell the fiction which have the regressive plot not in chronological the story did not start from beginning but may be from the middle or from the end. Then continue by beginning. A fiction which have plot like this showing the conflict event or it can be a serious conflict. Event though the reader does not know about the introduction and problem which cause the conflict happens, which the story tells after the chronological event. A plot in fiction works which faced the reader with the serious conflict action directly put the reader in the middle of the conflict; it is called a plot in medias res. In the flash back plot we can write it in the scheme bellow:
D1—A—B—C—D2—ED1 is the beginning of the story which tells about the conflict, A-B-C are the flash back of the story and tell about action before the conflict. D2 is the climax of the story the continued story from D1 and E is the conclusion or the end of the story. Flash back technique in the story can be done in many ways may be the writers asked the character to remembered his or her past of the other character or the writer tell it by himself. This technique is interesting because from the beginning the reader directly suspended, not like in the progressive plot, the reader past in the introduction first.