Rabu, 12 September 2007


Saat ini komputer adalah salah satu benda elektronik yang sangat bermanfaat bagi semua kalangan masyarakat indonesia, karena komputer adalah benda elektronik yang memiliki keunggulan dalam menciptakan sesuatu yg bermanfaat !!!Komputer banyak jenis dan modelnya karena itu komputer adalah benda elektonik yang memiliki nilai lebih , di sini saya ingin mengulas berbagai ilmu komputer serta trik pembelajaran komputer, dengan sebagian ilmu komputer yang akan saya ulas di blog ini ada beberapa bagian terdapat pada majalah PC Media !!namun bukan berarti saya menyalah gunakan hak pencipta dari majalah PC Media, karena rasa ingin memberi sedikit informasi yang berguna kepada anda tentang ilmu komputer. Langsung saja !!!


Kata BIOS yg merupakan singkatan dari Basic Input/Out-put sistem ini sering di temukan pada saat membaca buku manual dari mainboard , Ada banyak komponen yang memiliki Bios namun bila seseorang berbicara mengenai bios paling sering yg di maksudkan adalah Bios MainBoard.

Bios adalah Software terendah pada PC. jadi Bios ini berhubungan langsung dengan Hardware sebagai Software level terendah,Bios secara Default merupakan perantara antara sistem Operasi dengan Hardware. Fungsi utama lain dari Bios salah satunya adalah membuat sistem melakukan boot, Misalnya pada saat pertama kali di nyalahkan.


Suatu PC itu di rancang untuk mengikuti instruksi yang di berikan ke padanya, oleh karena itu agar dapat berfungsi PC membuthkan kumpulan instruksi alias software. software2 ini tentunya di simpan secara permanen pada media non volatile seperti halnya hardisk,pada saat di butuhkan software2 ini akan di load ke memori utama untuk kemudian di gunakan oleh prosesor.

2.2.2 Middle

In the middle the actions or the events start move from one event to another. Internal conflict that happen inside the character itselves or external conflicts start to show. This statement strogly by Burhan Nurgiyantoro.
Tahap tengah cerita yang dapat juga disebut sebagai tahap pertikaian, menampilkan pertentangan dan atau konflik yang sudah mulai dimunculkan pada tahap sebelumnya, menjadi semakin meningkat, semakin menegangkan. Konflik yang dikisahkan, seperti yang telah dikemukakan diatas, dapat berupa konflik internal, konflik yang terjadi dalam diri seorang tokoh, konflik eksternal, konflik atau pertentangan yang terjadi antar tokoh cerita, antara tokoh (- tokoh) protagonist dengan tokoh ( - tokoh; dan kekuatan) antagonis, atau keduanya sekaligus. Dalam tahap tengah inilah klimaks ditampilkan, yaitu ketika konflik (utama) telah mencapai titik intensitas tertinggi.
Bagian tengah cerita merupakan bagian terpanjang dan terpenting dari karya fiksi yang bersangkutan. Pada bagian inilah inti cerita disajikan: tokoh-tokoh memainkan peran, peristiwa-peristiwa penting-fungsional dikisahkan, konflik berkebang semakin meruncing, menegangkan, dan mencapai klimaks, dan pada umumnya tema pokok, makna cerita pokok diungkapkan. Untuk mengidentifikasi apa konflik utama, mana peristiwa – fungsional – klimaks, dan apa tema dan atau makna utama cerita, diperlukan kajian yang jeli dan kritis. Singkatnya pada bagian inilah terutama pembaca memperoleh ‘’cerita’’, memperoleh sesuatu dari kegiatan membacanya (Nurgiyantoro, 1995:145).]

From the quotation above, then it could be concluded that the middle phase is the important one in a fiction works, in this phase the main story show up. Shortly in this phase the reader have ‘’the story’’ get something from reading activity.
Based on William Kinney (1966) in this phase consists conflict, complication and climax. Conflict, we move from the end of the beginning of the middle as the elements tending to wards instability in the initial situation group themselves into what we recognize as pattern of conflict.
Complication is the interplay between character and event that builds up a tension and develops a problem out of the original situation given in the story. In other word, it from the end of the beginning of the initial situation group themselves into what are recognize as a pattern of conflict (Kenney, 1966: 17). The movement from initial statement of conflict to the climax is often referred to as complication. Conflict may be external and internal; conflict may variously spiritual contest between antagonistic forces, internal conflict between aspects of personality, and external conflict between a person and external force, or another person, society, environment, nature, the universe, God etc.
Climax, is the moment of highest tension, when the story turns toward its solution. The climax is fetched when the complication attains its highest the story is intensity, from which point to the outcome of story is inevitable (Kenny, 1966: 18). Climax is generally present by the author in the end of the middle part of the story of a narrative work.

2.2.3 The end

End is the phase where the story is finish or stop. Where the conclusion of the story show up, low intensity point and the problem solve and the writer tells about what happen with the characters and also the effect from the climax. This statement strongly by Burhan Nurgiyantoro in his book entitles Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. He says:
Tahap akhir sebuah cerita, atau juga dapat disebut sebagai tahap pelaraian, menampilkan adegan tertentu sebagai akibat klimaks. Jadi, bagian ini misalnya (antara lain) berisi bagaimana kesudahan cerita, atau menyaran pada hal bagaimanakah akhir sebuah cerita (Nurgiyantoro, 1995: 145-146).

From the paragraph above, it could be conclude that the end phase is also called denouement, consist of the ending of the story.
William Kenney defines that plot reveals event to use not only in their temporal, but also in their causal relationship. Plot makes us aware of event not only merely as element in temporal series but also as intricate pattern of cause an effect. By plot in fiction, then we mean not simply in events recounted in the story but the author’s arrangement of those events according to their relationship from the end of the beginning to the middle as the element standing instability in the initial situation group themselves into what we recognize as a pattern of conflict. The movement from the initial statement of conflict to the climax is often referred to as complication. The climax is reached when the complication attains its highest point of intensity, from which point the outcome of the story is inevitable. The end consists of everything from the climax to the denouement or outcome of the story.
After discuss about plot structure, bellow it will be explained about the types of plot.

2.3 The types of plot
As a plot progresses, it arouses the expectation in the audience or reader about the future course of events or progressive and about the past event and experienced. There are two types of plot which is classified as following in subchapter.

2.3.1 Progressive plot

Plot in a novel could be called as a progressive if the story had told in chronological, The first action following by next action or in series the story start with beginning (introduction, generating circumstance), middle (rising action, climax), and the end (denouement). If we write in scheme form, in general the progressive will be liked:
A, symbolized the beginning of the story, B-C-D symbolized the next action or the middle which are the main of the story, and E is the end or the conclusion of the story because of the action which have told chronologically, it means based on the sequence of scheme that kinds of plot also called as progressive plot.

2.3.2 Flash back plot

The series which tell the fiction which have the regressive plot not in chronological the story did not start from beginning but may be from the middle or from the end. Then continue by beginning. A fiction which have plot like this showing the conflict event or it can be a serious conflict. Event though the reader does not know about the introduction and problem which cause the conflict happens, which the story tells after the chronological event. A plot in fiction works which faced the reader with the serious conflict action directly put the reader in the middle of the conflict; it is called a plot in medias res. In the flash back plot we can write it in the scheme bellow:
D1 is the beginning of the story which tells about the conflict, A-B-C are the flash back of the story and tell about action before the conflict. D2 is the climax of the story the continued story from D1 and E is the conclusion or the end of the story. Flash back technique in the story can be done in many ways may be the writers asked the character to remembered his or her past of the other character or the writer tell it by himself. This technique is interesting because from the beginning the reader directly suspended, not like in the progressive plot, the reader past in the introduction first.

2.2 Plot Structure

Plot is one of many elements in a novel that is important and connected each other and can’t be separated. Plot should be united, between one event with the other events, and should be connected. Theoretically, the plot of the story can be arranged in chronological steps. There are three structure of plot, which is Beginning, Middle, and The end. In this scientific writing I will discus about plot structure, bellow will be explained about the structure:

2.2.1 Beginning
In a story there is a beginning where all the background of the story will tell. The writer will tell about the setting, the character and also information that the reader need. This statement is strongly by Burhan Nurgiyantoro in his book entitle Teoryi Pengkajian Fiksi. He says:
Tahap awal sebuah cerita biasanya disebut sebagai tahap perkenalan. Tahap perkenalan pada umumnya berisi sejumlah informasi penting yang berkaitan dengan berbagai hal yang akan dikisahkan pada tahap-tahap berikutnya. Ia misalnya, berupa penunjukan dan pengenalan latar, seperti nama-nama tempat, suasana alam, waktu kejadiannya (misalnya ada kaitan dengan waktu sejarah), dan lain-lain, yang pada garis besarnya berupa deskripsi setting. Selain itu tahap awal juga sering dipakai untuk pengenalan tokoh (- tokoh) cerita, mungkin berwujud deskripsi fisik, bahkan mungkin juga telah disinggung (walau secara implicit) perwatakannya.
Fungsi pokok tahap awal (atau: pembukaan) sebuah cerita adalah untuk memberikan informasi dan penjelasan seperlunya khususnya yang berkaitan dengan pelataran dan penokohan. Pengarang tertentu yang pandai dan teliti melukiskan suasana alam, latar, biasanya mengisi tahap awal cerita yang ditulisnya sengan deskripsi latar yang relatif panjang. Denga membaca pelukisan latar yang hidup itu, pembaca yang sudah berpengalaman akan sudah dapat ‘’menilai’’ gaya, kejelian, ketelitian dan kepekaan pengarang terhadap keadaan latar yang dilukiskan tersebut – suatu hal, misalnya yang sering tak menjadi bahan perhatian bagi kebanyakan orang (Nurgiyantoro, 1995: 142-143)

After reads the information above, here will be concluded that in the beginning phase is consists of exposition, where in this phase we can find the number of important information related to the something that will be storied in the next phase. The main function of the beginning phase in the fiction works is to give information and description especially related to the setting and character.
Based on William Kenney this phase is called by exposition, exposition is the first thing we may note about this paragraph is that it provides us with a certain amount of information. Exposition of the component of the story which helps to establish the theme of the story is character and setting.

2.1 Definition of plot

There are many definitions of plot that the literary critics have put forward. Bellow is some literary critics, theory on plot; Plot is the important thing to express the mean of fiction. In plot, there are parts of which supporting that plot represent all important matter in a story. According to Kenney in his book How to analyze fiction, he defines as in the following:
Plot is the highest importance in expressing the meaning of a work of fiction. It is through plot that the author organizes the raw material of experience, and an author’s way in organizing experience must tell us a great deal about his way of understanding experience that is, about the meaning experience has form him. Surely our sense of the meaning of experience is closely tied to our understanding of what cause what, and it is the business of plot to clarify causal relationship. (Kenney, 1966: 23)

Further, Kenney defines that plot reveals events to us, not only in their temporal, but also in their causal relationship. Plot makes us aware of events not merely as elements in a temporal series but also as an intricate pattern of cause and effect. By plot in fiction then we mean not simply the events recounted in the story but the author’s arrangement of those events according to their causal relationship (Kenney 1966:13-14). Foster says that plot is the sequence of events in fiction that emphasizes their casual relationship with each other and has intellectual characters. (Quoted by Nurgiyantoro, 1995: 113-114). Stanton says that plot is the sequence of events in fiction that have the casual relationship with each other one event causes other event or is the cause of other event (Stanton in Nurgiyantoro, 1995: 113).C Hugh Holman (1962: 217) in Made Sukada says that in a story, plot itself is the element of structure. Cleanth Brooks and Robert Penn Warsen in their book entitle Understanding Fiction (1959: 77) says that plot is what happen in a story – that is a good rough-and- ready way to put the matter. Plot we may say is the structure of an action as presented in a piece of fiction. It is not, we shall note, the structure of an action as we happen to find it out in the world. But the structure within the story, It is, in other words, what the teller of the story has done to the action in order to present it to us.
Plot represents something that determines everything which does not there in drama book. Besides as plot is tragedy, plot is also represents soul of the fiction, this matter earns us see in the following description according to Christopher R. Reaske.
Plot is the soul of tragedy; plot is subject to considered artistic manipulation, though there is usually a general commitment on the writer’s part either to a plot resembling the episode nature of epic or to one resembling to climatic nature of drama. Plot is the relation of incident to each other, and more importantly to the whole of the book. The structure of the plot is simply the pattern of the incidents, early in the story connect very well to things which happen later, each incident (and there are many of them) relates to the overall progression of the story (Reaske, 1970: 166)

So, plot has simple structure which must there in a fiction.

In plot happen any sequent incident to make the story interested to read. These matters we can see in the following description according to Laurence Perrin in her book entitle Literature structure, Sound, and Sense. She says that:
Plot is the sequent of incidents or event of which a story is composed. When recounted by itself, it bears about the same relationship to a story that a map does to a journey. Just as a map maybe drawn on a finer or grosser scale, so a plot maybe recounted with lesser or greater detail. It may include what a character says or thinks, as well as what he does. But it leaves out description and analysis and concentrates ordinarily on major happenings ( Perrine, 1963: 42)

From these above theory, the writer can conclude what the definition of plot is. The definition of plot means plot is the sequence of events in fiction that has the casual relationship with each other for example; event A cause event B or event A is the cause of event B. event A will make the event B to exist, If there is no casual relationship between one event and another we can not say it as a plot. After discuss about definition of the plot, bellow will be discuss about plot structure


It can be suggested that many fictional work has a plot. Thus plot as a part of intrinsic component of fiction may be said as a component which must be used in fiction itself. As said above the plot of the story of fiction has a structure. Its structure is principally build up by several components they are beginning, middle, and ending.
As suggested above, one of the literary works is novel. As we know novel is a picture of real life and of the time which it is written. Novels have many characters, many settings and contain many messages. This narrative work is principally produce using two literary elements that is intrinsic and extrinsic element. Extrinsic element will cover out side of the work such as historical factor, sociological, psychological, and philosophy related to the literary work. The intrinsic element will cover the part in the body structure of the work itself such as plot, setting, theme, character, point of view and style.
Plot reveals event to us, not only their temporal, but also their temporal relationship. (Kenney, 1966: 13). Started that plot is elements from fiction from which are important. What are some people believe important between another elements of fiction (Nurgiyantoro, 1995: 110)
Theme is meaning, but it is not ‘hidden’ and it is not illustrated. Theme is the meaning of the story releases it may be the meaning the story this covers (Kenney, 1966: 91). Theme is meaning totality which was supported by the story of only itself if will hidden on back side of the story which had supported (Kenney, 1995: 68)
Character obviously relevant to us and our experience if it is like ourselves or like others whom we know (Kenney, 1966: 27), Character is the actor of the story (Nurgiyantoro, 1995: 165). Character are the persons presented in works of narrative or a drama who convey their personal qualities through dialog and action by which the reader or audience understand their thoughts, feelings, intentions and motives. Character in a story may be a human being or an animal. The character in a fiction only exist the world of the story no matter how much they may resemble people we know. The need and devices of fiction govern them or they are revealed through the strategies of the narrative. The quality of the story depends on the author’s ability to play with character in term of how to make the character seems real to be believable. In a story the character will be involved in a conflict, the nature and use of the character in any story determined by the purposes of the writer. Based on the function or the role of the character in a fiction, character is divided into:

1. main character
Main character is categorized as the important one and appears continually, so, that it seems to determinate almost the whole part of the story. Shortly, main character is a character consistently support the author’s idea, has much more portrayal that the other character. In other word, main character is involved in the greatest part in the relative description more than other character.

2. secondary character
Secondary character is the character that has an important role also in the story because a secondary character gives influence the role of the main character very much.

3. complimentary or supporting character
Complimentary character is the character that supports other character, in a story, the role of the complimentary character however is less dominant that the secondary characters, their appearance is just to complete serve and support the main character.
After explain about character, here will be explained about setting because setting has important role and has interconnected with the plot. Setting is part of fiction. Setting is as one of important elements of novel is the element of primary importance in particular author. Setting refers to the point in time and space in which the events of the plot occur. Setting is the element of fiction which reveal to us, where and when of event. In other words, the term “setting” refer to the point in time and space at which the events of the plot occur (Kenney, 1966: 38). Setting can be divided into two type, they are the psychological setting and physical setting.. Physical setting is setting which is closely related to the place, the name of city, village, market, school, church, restaurant and other places and things in certain environment of which do not nuance of sense. And psychological setting is an environment setting or something in a certain environment which cab give us nuance of sense. In this paper I would like to discuss the only physical setting. The reader will see and understand it from what has been drawn up in a story; no interpretation is needed to understand it. It can be seen in the following quotation according to Burhan Nurgiyantoro in his book entitled Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Nurgiyantoro says:

Membaca sebuah novel kita akan bertemu dengan lokasi tertentu seperti nama kota, desa, jalan, hotel, penginapan, kamar dan lain-lain tempat terjadinya peristiwa. Disamping itu kita juga akan berurusan dengan hubungan waktu seperti tahun, tanggal, pagi, siang , malam, pukul, saat bulan purnama, saat hujan gerimis diawal bulan, atau kejadian yang menyaran pada waktu tipikal tertentu, dan sebagainya. Latar tempat, berhubung secara jelas menyaran pada lokasi tertentu, dapat disebut sebagai latar fisik (Physical settint) (Nurgiyantoro, 1995: 218).

From the information above, it can be concluded that by setting we can kwon clearly about the story in a fiction works, setting refers to point in time and space at which the events of the plot occur,

I would like to see physical setting from:
a. Place setting, where of the story takes place
Place as the dominant element in work of literature especially novel show
the spatial setting, or place, dominates are generally classified as examples
a local color or regionalism. It consists of place or building that can be seen
for example at office, restaurant, hotel, college, in the garden, the name of
city or the details room of interior.
b. time setting, when the action of story occurs.
It consists of years, month, day, date, hour, season, or historical period.

Besides explain about setting, here will be explained about point of view because point of view has important role and has interconnected with the plot. Point of view is basically a strategy, technically tactic chooses intentionally by the author to expose the idea and the story (Nurgiyantoro, 1995: 248). Point of view has several meaning decided the limited, technical one it has in critical analysis of fiction (Kenney, 1966: 46)
After explain about point of view, here will be explained about style because style has interconnected with the plot. Style is a technical of choosing style of language which is well match with the story (Nurgiyantoro, 1995: 227). Style is the verbal texture of literature author’s way of using language (Kenney, 1966: 61).
In this paper I would like to minimize the subject in one of the intrinsic elements and it is the plot of the novel. And this case I would like to analyze the plot structure of the novel Heartbeat by Danielle Steel. Before discuss about plot structure here will be describe the definition of the plot bellow.

1.4 Aims

As commonly known there must be certain aims that are going to encourage our activity in doing a scientific writing. The aims in this paper are divided into three parts; they are general aim, specific aim, and academic aim.

The general aim in this writing is to practice the ability of writer which is so limit and also to improve my knowledge in understanding and analyzing a literary work. I do hope by doing this I will be able to develop my own ability especially in writing.

The specific aim of writing this paper is to get an illustration and description about the intrinsic element especially the plot of the novel Heartbeat by Danielle Steel. In this case I focus my analysis on the elements of plot that are exposition, conflict, complication, climax, and the end, based on the theory of William Kenney.

The academic aim of this writing is to complete one of requirements which is needed in order to get the SI degree at the English Department, Faculty of Letters, Warmadewa University.

1.1 Method of research

Research is one of effort to find an examined the truth of science for which of scientific method in used. Scientific research consists of some procedure, those procedure are used to comprehend the object that will be analyzed to get the expected result from the research. The success of the failure of an analysis depends on the relationship of methodology and the object used. The methods used in this paper are:

Every research needs data to support the research being done, the data source of this writing taken from novel Heartbeat by Danielle Steel. I choose this novel because it has a good story and it is the best seller.

The data of this writing were collected by applying the method of library research. The data were taken by reading the novel first and then taking a note about the incident which build up the plot of the story, at the last classifying it into the element of the plot in accordance with the theory applied.

The data analysis was intensively studied in order to get a good analysis. The data which has been classified are then analyzed by using the theories which talk about plot.

1.2 Scope of discussion

Analyzing the literary work involves a wide and complex scope which is divided into two parts, namely the intrinsic and extrinsic approach. The extrinsic approach includes the outside of the element of literary works which are sociological, cultural, anthropological, and psychological. But in the intrinsic approach the research will be focused on the inside of the element of the literary work such as; theme, plot, setting, character, style, and point of view.

As I have mentioned before that my analysis focusing only one of the intrinsic elements that is the plot of the novel Heartbeat by Danielle Still. In this case I focused my analysis on the structures of plot found in the novel Heartbeat by Danielle Steel.

Then the problem term that I have to study in relation to the plot of this novel is its element that has been used to arrange the structure of the plot itself।

1.3 Theoretical Basis

In examining a scientific problem, the theory very is needed. Without it the problem wanted to be examined scientifically can not be done at all.

Further the main theories that I apply for examining the problem primarily taken from William Kenney’s book entitle How to Analyze Fiction. In this book he defines that Plot is the reveal event to us, not only in their temporal, but also in their casual relationship (Kenney, 1966: 13-14)

Besides from this reference, the theoretical concepts of plot are also taken from some other reference as The College Writer’s Guide to the Study of Literature by Reaske (1970), Teori Pengkajian Fiksi by Buhan Nurgiyantoro (1995)

Besides those theories there are several books about literature used as additional information and to support in completing the data. For the further information those books can be seen on the page of bibliography.


1.1 Background and problem

Works can be fictional and non- fictional. Fictional work is often termed as literature. Literature is one of the branches of art which has existed in human civilization since thousand years ago. The existence of the literature in human civilization can not be refused even its existence has been accepted as one social culture reality, so far literature is not just regarded as an art work which concern with mind, Emotion and imagination, but it has been regarded as a creative work which uses language as it medium. Literature is also used to express the author’s idea about human life. It can be stated that the object of literature is an experience of human life especially about their social culture, art and system of thinking.

A fictional work is produced by using two main components. One of those components is the intrinsic component. The intrinsic components of a fiction include setting, theme, character, point of view, style and plot. With regard to plot, the intrinsic component is the soul of tragedy because without it the fictional work can not be produced by many men of arts.

Similar to the other intrinsic element of a literary work, plot has also a structure. However, the structure of the intrinsic element including to the components used to build up the structure of the plot, and the structure of the plot are not understood yet by many beginners in fiction including the students of English department faculty of letters Warmadewa University. There are three structure of plot, they are beginning, middle and ending, and each of them have its components. So that I choose plot as my topic in this paper, I wish this paper will useful for those who study about literary work especially plot. Besides, I want to improve my ability in understanding plot which is plot has important rule to make us understand about the story in the novel, And the reason why I choose the novel entitled Heartbeat by Steel (1991) because this novel has a good story and contain a lot of moral messages, advices, etc. that, I think is very importance and helpful for the reader.

Selasa, 11 September 2007


Malam ini adalah malam yang sangat mengesalkan bagi aku, karena pada malam itu aku sangat terganggu dengan gonggongan anjing tetangga depan rumahku,
langsung saja mulai ceritanya :

mula ceritanya

saat malam terasa sunyi sekitar jam 20:00 wib aku sangat merasa BT gada teman satu pun yang berkunjung kerumahku, sangat BT terasa karena ga ada kegiatan yang membuat aku senang..tiba saatnya aku mengambil tindakan yahhh aku langsung sms temanku suruh kerumah saja , untung saja dia mau untuk datang kemudian langsung aja aku kerumahnya sesampainya di sana ada kakak dan sodaranya yang menyambut lalu mengajaku bermain kartu hehehe,,, lumayan terhibur sihh ga lama kemudian ingin rasanya main internet, Yuk's main internet kataku kepada temanku...ayuk tapi jam 00:00 wib jawabnya, memang sie jam segitu lagi murahnya happy hourse hehehe maunya murahan..Biasa kan orang kere!!!

Yuk's berangkat kan dah jam 00:00 ,yuk's jawabku ke pada temenku!! yah udah sampe dech kita mulai aja maennya..
Udah sekitar 2 jam kita maen internet yahhh lumayan lama..akhirnya aku dan temen aku pulang kerumah cos udah ngantuk banget..Toktok tok..pintu rumah pun di buka.!!Aduh di iringi pintu yang di buka eh malahan anjing tetangga Gonggong suaranya ribut banget padahal aku lagi ngantuk-ngantuknya..!!! Blessss suara tempat tidur yang terdengar karena bantingan badanku ke tempat tidur..Guk guk guk guk,,anjing ribut ga henti hentinya..!!aku kesal bangt akhinya aku ga bisa tidur..!!Yah suara anjing ribut itu udah terbiasa terdengar di telingaku..alias udah tiap malam bagus untuk melengkapi kesuntukan malam special agar aku ga bisa tidur...Dasar Moses orang kupang ga tau tatakrama,,padahal udah banyak yang tegur dia untuk jangan memelihara anjing terlalu banyak..bayangkan aja anjingnya ada 5 dan semuanya punya ciri has.!!aku sebuti aja deh ciri hasnya:
anjing yang ke 1 bertugas untuk Ribut ribut pada malam hari. Anjing ke 2 bertugas pada siang hari merusak tanaman, anjing yang ke 3 bertugas pada malam hari yang tukang mengambil sepatu, sendal, kaos kaki dll..!! anjing yang ke 4 suka kencing dan berak di halaman rumahku..Lengkap ga..!!oke punya kann??? aku minta saran nie ke kalian semua bagaimana penanggulangan dan tindakan aku agar keadaan seperti itu tidak terus menerus terjadi!! terimkasih buat teman semua atas saran yang di berikan..

Senin, 10 September 2007


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Jika anda mempunyai iklan ataupun website anda dapat memasang link website anda di sini, maka jumlah pengunjung di web anda akan bertambah banyak, page rank anda semakin tinggi, dengan semakin banyaknya saingan bisnis online serta jumlah situs yang tersebar luas maka semakin susah penyebaran iklan anda, maka dengan itu berbagai macam cara akan di lakukan webmaster webmaster dunia untuk bisa mengiklankan situs mereka, dengan memasang link adalah suatu cara untuk meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung website anda Iklan yang anda punya akan banyak di ketahui orang, persaudaraan di anda dengan para webmaster online pun semakin erat.

Dengan ini saya mengharapkan sekali kesediaan teman teman semua untuk mau bekerja sama untuk membuat blog bersama, dan memberikan kepercayaan bersama sama.
