Rabu, 12 September 2007

1.2 Scope of discussion

Analyzing the literary work involves a wide and complex scope which is divided into two parts, namely the intrinsic and extrinsic approach. The extrinsic approach includes the outside of the element of literary works which are sociological, cultural, anthropological, and psychological. But in the intrinsic approach the research will be focused on the inside of the element of the literary work such as; theme, plot, setting, character, style, and point of view.

As I have mentioned before that my analysis focusing only one of the intrinsic elements that is the plot of the novel Heartbeat by Danielle Still. In this case I focused my analysis on the structures of plot found in the novel Heartbeat by Danielle Steel.

Then the problem term that I have to study in relation to the plot of this novel is its element that has been used to arrange the structure of the plot itself।

1.3 Theoretical Basis

In examining a scientific problem, the theory very is needed. Without it the problem wanted to be examined scientifically can not be done at all.

Further the main theories that I apply for examining the problem primarily taken from William Kenney’s book entitle How to Analyze Fiction. In this book he defines that Plot is the reveal event to us, not only in their temporal, but also in their casual relationship (Kenney, 1966: 13-14)

Besides from this reference, the theoretical concepts of plot are also taken from some other reference as The College Writer’s Guide to the Study of Literature by Reaske (1970), Teori Pengkajian Fiksi by Buhan Nurgiyantoro (1995)

Besides those theories there are several books about literature used as additional information and to support in completing the data. For the further information those books can be seen on the page of bibliography.


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