Rabu, 12 September 2007


It can be suggested that many fictional work has a plot. Thus plot as a part of intrinsic component of fiction may be said as a component which must be used in fiction itself. As said above the plot of the story of fiction has a structure. Its structure is principally build up by several components they are beginning, middle, and ending.
As suggested above, one of the literary works is novel. As we know novel is a picture of real life and of the time which it is written. Novels have many characters, many settings and contain many messages. This narrative work is principally produce using two literary elements that is intrinsic and extrinsic element. Extrinsic element will cover out side of the work such as historical factor, sociological, psychological, and philosophy related to the literary work. The intrinsic element will cover the part in the body structure of the work itself such as plot, setting, theme, character, point of view and style.
Plot reveals event to us, not only their temporal, but also their temporal relationship. (Kenney, 1966: 13). Started that plot is elements from fiction from which are important. What are some people believe important between another elements of fiction (Nurgiyantoro, 1995: 110)
Theme is meaning, but it is not ‘hidden’ and it is not illustrated. Theme is the meaning of the story releases it may be the meaning the story this covers (Kenney, 1966: 91). Theme is meaning totality which was supported by the story of only itself if will hidden on back side of the story which had supported (Kenney, 1995: 68)
Character obviously relevant to us and our experience if it is like ourselves or like others whom we know (Kenney, 1966: 27), Character is the actor of the story (Nurgiyantoro, 1995: 165). Character are the persons presented in works of narrative or a drama who convey their personal qualities through dialog and action by which the reader or audience understand their thoughts, feelings, intentions and motives. Character in a story may be a human being or an animal. The character in a fiction only exist the world of the story no matter how much they may resemble people we know. The need and devices of fiction govern them or they are revealed through the strategies of the narrative. The quality of the story depends on the author’s ability to play with character in term of how to make the character seems real to be believable. In a story the character will be involved in a conflict, the nature and use of the character in any story determined by the purposes of the writer. Based on the function or the role of the character in a fiction, character is divided into:

1. main character
Main character is categorized as the important one and appears continually, so, that it seems to determinate almost the whole part of the story. Shortly, main character is a character consistently support the author’s idea, has much more portrayal that the other character. In other word, main character is involved in the greatest part in the relative description more than other character.

2. secondary character
Secondary character is the character that has an important role also in the story because a secondary character gives influence the role of the main character very much.

3. complimentary or supporting character
Complimentary character is the character that supports other character, in a story, the role of the complimentary character however is less dominant that the secondary characters, their appearance is just to complete serve and support the main character.
After explain about character, here will be explained about setting because setting has important role and has interconnected with the plot. Setting is part of fiction. Setting is as one of important elements of novel is the element of primary importance in particular author. Setting refers to the point in time and space in which the events of the plot occur. Setting is the element of fiction which reveal to us, where and when of event. In other words, the term “setting” refer to the point in time and space at which the events of the plot occur (Kenney, 1966: 38). Setting can be divided into two type, they are the psychological setting and physical setting.. Physical setting is setting which is closely related to the place, the name of city, village, market, school, church, restaurant and other places and things in certain environment of which do not nuance of sense. And psychological setting is an environment setting or something in a certain environment which cab give us nuance of sense. In this paper I would like to discuss the only physical setting. The reader will see and understand it from what has been drawn up in a story; no interpretation is needed to understand it. It can be seen in the following quotation according to Burhan Nurgiyantoro in his book entitled Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Nurgiyantoro says:

Membaca sebuah novel kita akan bertemu dengan lokasi tertentu seperti nama kota, desa, jalan, hotel, penginapan, kamar dan lain-lain tempat terjadinya peristiwa. Disamping itu kita juga akan berurusan dengan hubungan waktu seperti tahun, tanggal, pagi, siang , malam, pukul, saat bulan purnama, saat hujan gerimis diawal bulan, atau kejadian yang menyaran pada waktu tipikal tertentu, dan sebagainya. Latar tempat, berhubung secara jelas menyaran pada lokasi tertentu, dapat disebut sebagai latar fisik (Physical settint) (Nurgiyantoro, 1995: 218).

From the information above, it can be concluded that by setting we can kwon clearly about the story in a fiction works, setting refers to point in time and space at which the events of the plot occur,

I would like to see physical setting from:
a. Place setting, where of the story takes place
Place as the dominant element in work of literature especially novel show
the spatial setting, or place, dominates are generally classified as examples
a local color or regionalism. It consists of place or building that can be seen
for example at office, restaurant, hotel, college, in the garden, the name of
city or the details room of interior.
b. time setting, when the action of story occurs.
It consists of years, month, day, date, hour, season, or historical period.

Besides explain about setting, here will be explained about point of view because point of view has important role and has interconnected with the plot. Point of view is basically a strategy, technically tactic chooses intentionally by the author to expose the idea and the story (Nurgiyantoro, 1995: 248). Point of view has several meaning decided the limited, technical one it has in critical analysis of fiction (Kenney, 1966: 46)
After explain about point of view, here will be explained about style because style has interconnected with the plot. Style is a technical of choosing style of language which is well match with the story (Nurgiyantoro, 1995: 227). Style is the verbal texture of literature author’s way of using language (Kenney, 1966: 61).
In this paper I would like to minimize the subject in one of the intrinsic elements and it is the plot of the novel. And this case I would like to analyze the plot structure of the novel Heartbeat by Danielle Steel. Before discuss about plot structure here will be describe the definition of the plot bellow.


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