As commonly known there must be certain aims that are going to encourage our activity in doing a scientific writing. The aims in this paper are divided into three parts; they are general aim, specific aim, and academic aim.
The general aim in this writing is to practice the ability of writer which is so limit and also to improve my knowledge in understanding and analyzing a literary work. I do hope by doing this I will be able to develop my own ability especially in writing.
The specific aim of writing this paper is to get an illustration and description about the intrinsic element especially the plot of the novel Heartbeat by Danielle Steel. In this case I focus my analysis on the elements of plot that are exposition, conflict, complication, climax, and the end, based on the theory of William Kenney.
The academic aim of this writing is to complete one of requirements which is needed in order to get the SI degree at the English Department, Faculty of Letters,
1.1 Method of research
Research is one of effort to find an examined the truth of science for which of scientific method in used. Scientific research consists of some procedure, those procedure are used to comprehend the object that will be analyzed to get the expected result from the research. The success of the failure of an analysis depends on the relationship of methodology and the object used. The methods used in this paper are:
Every research needs data to support the research being done, the data source of this writing taken from novel Heartbeat by Danielle Steel. I choose this novel because it has a good story and it is the best seller.
The data of this writing were collected by applying the method of library research. The data were taken by reading the novel first and then taking a note about the incident which build up the plot of the story, at the last classifying it into the element of the plot in accordance with the theory applied.
The data analysis was intensively studied in order to get a good analysis. The data which has been classified are then analyzed by using the theories which talk about plot.
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